
Kharif rainfed mixed cropping area, covering laterite  soils.
Under rainfed conditions, Red gram is grown as a mixed crop with hybrid Sorghum, Blackgram, Sesamum, Soybean and Greengram, Blackgram and Cowpea area as a mixed crop in Sorghum.

Rainfed double cropped area in medium black soil

a. Blackgram/ Greengram /
Jowar / Bengalgram Sesamum
b. Kharif Jowar Safflower / Sunflower / Bengalgram / Coriander Sesamum

Rainfed double cropped area in medium block soils.

Under this situation sugar cane is a predominant crop. The other crops raised under well irrigation are wheat, Bengalgram, hybrid jowar, vegetables and fruits crops and ground nut (spreading) and paddy to some extent.

Cropping in Deep Black soils under canal irrigation.

Hybrid cotton occupies major area in this situation. Chilli, Onion and Wheat also included in the multiple cropping patterns which is followed in this area.

Kharif rain fed cotton in medium black soil.

In Bhalki and Aurad talukas, in medium black soils, kharif rainfed cotton is in an area of around 8000 ha. Arboreum grown as rotation crop. the yield of cotton is 2.5 to 3.0 lint/ ha.

The rabi-jowar yield were 5 - 6 q/ha.

Kharif rainfed paddy



  • Dragon fruit plants
  • Shade net
  • Tractor dawn onion seeder
  • Azolla Unit
  • Guava Mother Block
  • Vermicompost Unit
  • Mango ripening chamber
  • Vermiwash Unit
  • Compost Unit
  • Farm Pond
  • Rain Water Harvesting Unit
  • Borewell recharge unit
  • Farm Pond
  • Turmeric Boiler
  • Hydroponics Unit
  • Goatery Unit
  • Dairy Unit


About Us

Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bidar comes under the purview of University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur. To carry out various extension activities university has set up 6 Krishi Vigyan Kendra and 4 Extension education units in 6 northern districts of the state under university jurisdiction. This KVK was established during 1985 and started functioning since 1986. This is the Second oldest KVK in the state next to Hanumanmatti (Haveri District).

For more information and activities of UAS, Raichur & ICAR log on to :

Among KVK’s in the state, many are under State agricultural universities and a few are run by NGO’s & , KVK Bidar is run by UAS, Raichur and funded by ICAR, New Delhi.

To Serve farming community KVK has functional linkages with other bodies, like:


Services from Kendra

  • Organising vacational training programs in agriculture &      allied enterprises
  • Front Line Demonstrations on major Oil seeds,      Pulses,& Cereals & other Horticulture crops.
  • In-service training for the field level extension      functionaries.
  • On farm testing on major problems of crops.
  • Organising consultancy service.
KVK has also extended its supporting hand in the formation of clubs for serving the farming community in a different way. The clubs formed under KVK guidance are:


1 Profile Picture
Dr. Sunil Kumar N M
Senior Scientist & Head
Mobile: 9480696318
2 Profile Picture
Dr. Ningdalli Mallikarjun
Scientist (Horticulture)
Mobile: 9980102727
3 Profile Picture
Dr. Gnyandev Bulla
Scientist (Seed Science & Technology)
Mobile: 9611111929
4 Profile Picture
Smt. Jyothi S. Kamthane
Senior Technical Officer (Computers)
Mobile: 9449625615
5 Profile Picture
Kumari Anita
Technical Officer (Farm Manager)
Mobile: 9901958924
6 Profile Picture
Mr. Dhanraj V S
Technical Officer (Soil Science)
Mobile: 9380864278
7 Profile Picture



  • Farmers who are enrolled as the members of the club should grow Sugar crop and aim in achieving high yields.
  • Organising monthly meetings of the club.
  • Members are made to visit to the progressive farmer's field or research station.
  • Farmers who attain higher yields in Sugarcane crop will be awarded.


Key Benefits

  • Confidence building among sugarcane groups at attain higher yield.
  • Reduction in cost of cultivation.
  • Interaction with fellow farmers on various agricultural technologies & problems  in farming.


Contact us

Krishi Vigyan Kendra

Janwada Road
Post Box No. 58
Bidar - 585 401
(Karnataka State)
E-Mail us:
Contact No.: 08482 - 244007/244178
Fax : 08482 - 244155

State Map















Bidar Map






ICAR - Krishi Vigyan Kendra Bidar

In the Service of Farmers
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Bidar started with the aim of serving the farming community of the districtTo carry out various extension activities university has set up 10 Krishi Vigyan Kendra and several Extension education units in 12 northern district of the state under university jurisdiction. This KVK was established during 1985 and started functioning since 1986.
This is the Second oldest KVK in the state next to Hanumanmatti. Conducting "On-Farm Testing" for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems. Organise training to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis. Organise short and long term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youths with emphasis on "learning by doing" for higher production on farms and generating self-employment. Organise Front Line Demonstrations on various crops to generate production data and feedback information.Conducting "On-Farm Testing" for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems. Organise training to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis. Organise short and long term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youths with emphasis on "learning by doing" for higher production on farms and generating self-employment. Organise Front Line Demonstrations on various crops to generate production data and feedback information.
